City, 27 February 2014 (VIS) – This morning, in the Sala Bologna of
the Vatican Apostolic Palace, Pope Francis presided over a meeting of
the Congregation for Bishops, whose prefect is Cardinal Marc Ouellet,
P.S.S., and gave an address to those present regarding the mission of
this congregation and the criteria that should determine the
selection of a bishop, as well as the characteristics he should
embody and his task in relation to the faithful entrusted to him. The
Holy Father concluded by urging greater attention in scouring the
fields in search of suitable pastors for this ministry, with the
certainty that Christ never abandons His Church.
extracts are published below:
The essential mission of the Congregation
celebration of the ordination of a bishop the Church gathered
together, after the invocation of the Holy Spirit, asks for the
presented candidate to be ordained. He who presides then asks, “Do
you have the mandate?”. ... This Congregation exists tohelp write
this mandate, which then resonates in many Churches and brings joy
and hope to the Holy People of God. This Congregation exists to
ensure that the name chosen has first of all been pronounced by the
Lord. ... The Holy People of God continues to speak: ...we need
someone who looks upon us with the breadth of heart of God; we do not
need a manager, a company administrator. ... We need someone who
knows how to raise himself to the height of God's gaze above us in
order to guide us towards Him. ... We must not lose sight of the
needs of the particular Churches, for whom we must always provide.
There does not exist a standard Pastor for all Churches. ... Our
challenge is to enter into Christ's view, taking into account the
singularity of the particular Churches”.
God's horizon determines the mission of the Congregation
choose such ministers we too need to elevate ourselves, to rise to
the 'upper level'. We must rise above and overcome any eventual
preferences, sympathies, provenances or tendencies to arrive at God's
broad horizon. ... We do not need men conditioned by fear from below,
but Pastors endowed with parresia, capable of ensuring that in the
world there is a sacrament of unity, and therefore humanity is not
destined to abandonment and helplessness. ... In approving the
appointment of each bishop I would like to be able to feel the
authority of your discernment and the greatness of the horizons
according to which you arrive at your counsel. Therefore, the spirit
that presides over your work cannot be other than that humble, silent
and laborious process carried out by the light that comes from above.
Professionalism, service and holiness of life: if we turn away from
these three virtues we fall from the greatness to which we are
The Apostolic Church as a wellspring
height of the Church is always found in the depths of its
foundations. ... The future of the Church always lives in its
origins. ... We know that the College of Bishops, which the bishops
enter by the Sacrament, succeeds the Apostolic College. The world
needs to be aware that this sequence is uninterrupted. ... People
already know through suffering the experience of many ruptures: they
need to find that there remains in the Church the grace of her
The bishop as a witness to the Risen Christ
us consider ... the moment at which the Apostolic Church must
recompose the College of the Twelve after the betrayal of Judas.
Without the Twelve the fullness of the Spirit can not descend. We
must find a successor among those who have followed from the
beginning the journey of Jesus and who now can be,'along with the
Twelve' a 'witness of the resurrection". We must choose from the
followers of Jesus those who will be witnesses of the Risen Christ.
... Also for us, this is the unifying criterion: the bishop is he who
is able to make current all that befell Jesus and above all, who
knows, along with the Church, how to bear witness to His
Resurrection. ... Not an isolated witness, but together with the
Church. ... I would like to emphasise that renouncement and sacrifice
is inherent to the episcopal mission. The episcopate is not for
oneself, it is for the Church ... for others , especially for those
who according to the world should be excluded. ... Therefore, to
identify a bishop, it is not necessary to list his human,
intellectual cultural or even pastoral skills. ... Certainly, there
is a need for someone who excels; whose human integrity ensures a
capacity for healthy relationships ... so as not to project his
shortcomings onto others and to become a destabilising factor ... his
cultural preparation must enable him to enter into dialogue with men
and their cultures; his orthodoxy and faithfulness to the complete
Truth held by the Church makes him a pillar and a point of reference
... his transparency and detachment when managing community assets
must confer authority and merit the esteem of all”.
these indispensable skills must be, however, in support of his
central witness to the Risen Christ, and must be subordinate to this
central commitment.
The sovereignty of God, responsible for the decision.
us return to the apostolic text. After the tiring task of
discernment, the Apostles pray ... We cannot elude that 'Show us,
Lord.' The decisions can not be conditioned by our claims, for any
groups, cliques or hegemonies. To guarantee this sovereignty two
attitudes are fundamental: conscience before God, and collegiality
... Not discretion, but the discernment of all. No one can have
everything on hand, each person must humbly and honestly add his tile
to a mosaic which belongs to God”.
“Kerygmatic” bishops
faith comes from proclamation we need kerygmatic bishops. ... Men who
are guardians of doctrine, not so as as to measure how far the world
is from doctrinal truth, but in order to fascinate the world ... with
the beauty of love, with the freedom offered by the Gospel. The
Church does not need apologists for her causes or crusaders for her
battles, but humble and trusting sowers of the truth, who know that
it is always given to them anew and trust in its power. Men who are
patient men as they know that the weeds will never fill the field".
Praying bishops
have spoken of kerygmatic bishops; now I will move on to the other
trait typical of the bishop: he must be a man of prayer. The same
parresia he must have in the proclamation of the Word, must be
present in his prayer, in speaking with God our Lord of the good of
his people, the salvation of his people. ... A man who does not have
the courage to argue with God on behalf of his people can not be a
bishop, nor can he who is not able to assume the mission of guiding
the people of God to where He, the Lord, indicates. ... And this also
applies to apostolic patience ... the bishop must be able to 'go with
patience' before God ... finding and letting himself be found".
bishops be shepherds, close to the people; 'fathers and brothers, may
they be gentle, patient and merciful; may they love poverty, interior
poverty, as freedom for the Lord, and exterior poverty, as well as
simplicity and a modest lifestyle; may they not have the mindset of
“princes”'. Be careful that they are not ambitious, that they are
not in quest of the episcopate', that they are espoused to the
Church, without constantly seeking another; this is called adultery.
May they be overseers of the flock that has been entrusted to them,
to take care of everything that is needed to keep it united. ... I
wish to emphasise again that the Church needs genuine Pastors ...
look at the testament of the Apostle Paul. ... He speaks directly to
us. He commits the pastors of the Church 'to the word of his grace,
which can build you up and give you an inheritance'. Therefore, not
masters of the Word, but committed to it, servants of the Word. Only
in this way is it possible to edify and obtain the inheritance of the
saints. To those who are plagued with questions about their legacy:
'What is the legacy of a bishop, gold or silver?', Paul answers,
'Holiness'. The Church remains when God's holiness spreads to her
members. ... Vatican Council II states that the 'pastoral office or
the habitual and daily care of their sheep is entrusted” completely
to bishops. In our times, regularity and the everyday are often
associated with routine and boredom. Therefore we often try to escape
to a permanent 'elsewhere'. Unfortunately even in the Church we are
not exempt from this risk. I think that in this time of meetings and
congresses the decree of the Council of Trent is very current, and it
would be good for the Congregation for Bishops to write something
about this. ... The flock needs to find a place in the heart of its
Pastor. If this is not solidly anchored in itself, in Christ and His
Church, the bishop will continually be at the mercy of the waves, in
search of ephemeral compensations, and will offer no shelter to his
the end of these words, I wonder: where can we find such men? ... It
is not easy. ... I think of the prophet Samuel in search of Saul's
successor, who, knowing that little David was outside in the field
grazing the sheep, demands 'Send for him'. We too must search among
the fields of the Church for men to present to the Lord, in order
that he say 'Rise and anoint him; this is the one'. I am sure that
they are there, since the Lord does not abandon his Church. Perhaps
we are not seeking well enought in the fields. Perhaps we need to
heed Samuel 's warning: 'We will not sit down until he arrives'. I
would like this Congregation to live in this state of this holy
City, 27 February 2014 (VIS) – This morning in the Sala Clementina
of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father received in audience
the bishops who are friends of the Focolare Movement, who have held a
meeting during recent days on the theme of “Mutual love among
Christ's disciples”. The Pope stated that as bishops, they are
“called upon to bring to these meetings the broad range of the
Church, and to ensure that all they receive is put to the benefit of
the entire Church”.
society has a great need for the testimony of a style of life, from
which their transpires the novelty offered to us by Lord Jesus:
brothers who care for each other in spite of their differences of
character, origins, or age”, he continued. “This testimony gives
rise to the wish to be involved in the great trajectory of communion
that is the Church”.
conclusion, Pope Francis recalled the words of John Paul II in the
Apostolic Letter “Novo Millennio Ineunte”: “'To make the Church
the home and the school of communion' is truly fundamental for the
efficacy of every commitment to evangelisation, inasmuch as it
reveals the deepest yearning of the Father: that all His sons live as
brothers; and it reveals the will of Christ, that 'that all of them
may be one'; and it reveals the dynamism of the Holy Spirit, its free
and liberating force of attraction. Cultivating the spirituality of
communion also contributes to making us more able to walk the path of
ecumenism and interreligious dialogue”.
City, 27 February 2014 (VIS) – The Office of Liturgical
Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff has made public the calendar of
celebrations that are due to be presided over by the Holy Father
Francis in March and April 2014:
Wednesday 5, Ash Wednesday. At 4:30 p.m. in the Basilica of
Sant'Anselmo: "statio" and penitential procession. At 5:00
p.m. in the Basilica of Santa Sabina: blessing and imposition of
Sunday 9, first Sunday of Lent. Ariccia: beginning of the spiritual
exercises of the Roman Curia.
Friday 14, conclusion of the spiritual exercises of the Roman Curia.
Sunday 16, 4 p.m., pastoral visit to the Roman parish of “Santa
Maria dell'Orazione.
Friday 28, 17 p.m. in the Vatican Basilica: penitential liturgy.
Sunday 6, 4 p.m., pastoral visit to a Roman parish.
Sunday 13, Palm Sunday and the Passion of the Lord. At 9:30 a.m. in
St. Peter's Square: blessing of palms, procession, and Mass in the
Papal Chapel.
Sunday 17, Holy Thursday. At 9.30 a.m. in the Vatican Basilica:
Chrism Mass.
Friday 18, Good Friday. At 5:00 p.m. in the Vatican Basilica:
celebration of the Lord's Passion. At 9:15pm at the Colosseum: Via
Saturday, 19, Holy Saturday. At 8:30 p.m. in the Papal Chapel of the
Vatican Basilica: Easter vigil.
Sunday 20, Easter Sunday. At 10:15am in St. Peter's Square, Papal
Chapel: Mass. At midday, from the central loggia of St. Peter's
Basilica: "Urbi et Orbi" blessing.
Sunday 27, second Sunday of Easter (or Divine Mercy Sunday). At 10
a.m., St. Peter's Square, Papal Chapel: Mass and canonisation of
Blesseds Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II.
Pope will preside over the “in Coena Domini” Mass on the
afternoon of Holy Thursday but, like last year and in previous years
in Buenos Aires, he will select a situation of a special nature from
a pastoral point of view, which will be communicated when
appropriate. There will not, therefore, be a celebration in a
Basilica or the possibility of participation by a large number of
faithful; the Prefecture of the Papal Household will not distribute
tickets for any such celebration.
City, 27 February 2014 (VIS) – This morning in the Holy See Press
Office the protocol was presented for the participation of the Holy
See at Expo Milan 2015. The general theme of the event will be
“Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”.
Gianfranco Ravasi, Commissioner General for the Holy See for Expo
Milan 2015, and Giuseppe Sala, Sole Commissioner Delegate of the
Italian Government for Expo Milan 2015, signed the Protocol this
morning in the Sala Regia of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, and spoke
at the press conference.
Milan 2015 will begin on 1 May 2015 and will continue until 31
October; 140 countries will participate with their respective
pavilions. The theme of the Holy See's pavilion will be “Not by
bread alone”, and aims to “highlight, above all, the inner,
religious and cultural dimension that affects both the person and his
relationships at all levels. Inner nourishment is just as necessary
as that which responds to more immediate needs”.
the universal value of sharing and solidarity to the protection of
the Earth's resources that must not be squandered or plundered, the
Holy See's pavilion will promote profound reflection on the concept
of “nourishment”, and will do so by presenting four areas.
first is a garden to preserve, which relates to the protection of
Creation, with all its resources, a gift given by the Creator to all
humanity, and a patrimony that must not be wasted, plundered or
destroyed. The second will be food to share; the Gospel account of
the multiplication of bread will provide the guiding image and will
underline the universal value of sharing and solidarity, expressed in
the Christian context of the many institutions that have implemented
this commandment of brotherly love. The third is a meal that
educates, and emphasizes that education is fundamental for forming
young generations in the context of a culture of human relations
focused on the essentials and not on consumerist waste (of both goods
and human beings); and the fourth is bread that makes God present in
the world, based on the typically religious and Christian dimension
of the Eucharist, the Word and Bread of life, the source and
culmination of all Christian existence.
City, 27 February 2014 (VIS) – The Holy Father today received in
audience twelve prelates from the Spanish Episcopal Conference, on
their “ad limina” visit:
Archbishop Ricardo Blazquez Perez of Valladolid;
Bishop Jesus Garcia Burillo of Avila;
Bishop Cecilio Raul Berzosa Martinez of Cuidad Rodrigo;
Bishop Carlos Lopez Hernandez of Salamanca;
Bishop Angel Rubio Castro of Segovia;
Bishop Gregorio Martinez Sacristan of Zamora;
Archbishop Manuel Urena Pastor of Zaragoza;
Bishop Alfonso Milian Sorribas of Barbastro-Monzon;
Bishop Julian Ruiz Martorell of Huesca;
Bishop Eusebio Hernandez Sola of Tarazona;
Bishop Carlos Manuel Escribano Subias of Teruel y Albarracin; and
Bishop Jose Sanchez Gonzalez, emeritus of Siguenza-Guadalajara.
City, 27 February 2014 (VIS) – The Holy Father has:
appointed Msgr. Marco Arnolfo as metropolitan archbishop of Vercelli
(area 1,658, population 183,680, Catholics 178,160, priests 101,
permanent deacons 13, religious 301), Italy. The bishop-elect was
born in Cavallermaggiore, Italy in 1952 and was ordained a priest in
1978. He holds a degree in physics. and specialised in pastoral
theology at the Pontifical Salesian University, Turin, Italy. He has
served in a number of pastoral roles, including vicar in the parishes
of “Santa Maria della Scala di Chieri” and “Santi Pietro e
Paolo a Santena” in Turin, rector of the minor seminary of Turin,
and priest of the parish of “San Giovanni Battista ad Orbassano”,
Turin. He is currently territorial episcopal vicar of the West
District of the same city, and member of the presbyteral council. In
2010 he was named Chaplain of His Holiness. He succeeds Archbishop
Enrico Masseroni, whose resignation from the pastoral care of the
same archdiocese, upon having reached the age limit, was accepted by
the Holy Father.
appointed Msgr. Rosario Gisana as bishop of Piazza Armerina (area
2,003, population 223,200, Catholics 215,200, priests 134, permanent
deacons 9, religious 183), Italy. The bishop-elect was born in
Modica, Italy in 1959 and was ordained a priest in 1986. He holds a
licentiate in biblical sciences from the Pontifical Biblical
Institute, and a licentiate in theology and patristic sciences and a
doctorate in patristics from the "Augustinianum" Patristic
Institute in Rome. He has served in a number of pastoral roles,
including rector of the bishop's seminary of Noto, Italy, and member
of the diocesan presbyiteral council, canon of the Cathedral chapter,
lecturer in biblical sciences at the “San Paolo” Theological
Study of Catania and the “G. Blandini” Institute of Religious
Sciences in Noto, and member of the college of consultors and the
commission for the clergy. He is currently episcopal vicar for
pastoral ministry, director of the diocesan catechistic office and
vice rector of the Cathedral Church of San Nicolo di Noto. He is also
a lecturer in biblical exegesis and patristics and vice principal of
the “San Paolo” Theological Study of Catania.

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